Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Brossss souvenir

my new collection for souvenir wedding
cheap but not cheaper ....simple and nicely

How to order?? You can directly contact me:

get special discount for min order 100 piece

“My Little Friends”

Lanny 081332249956 PIN 2676E8DC
"My Little Friends"
Made with love just for u

The Mini Pounch

“The Mini Pouch”

very nice to be your present or souvenir 

 Grab me fast only IDR 20.000,-

“My Little Friends”
 Lanny 081332249956 PIN 2676E8DC

"My Little Friends"
Made with love just for u

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Owl owl color

My New collection for u
“Owl Owl Color”
nice color, funny and cute
Made whit heart and soul just for u
so cute like a rainbow.........
only IDR : 40.000,-

You can directly contact me:

"My Little Friends"
Lanny 081332249956 PIN 2676E8DC

"My Little Friends"
Made with love just for u 

Workshop Komuter Ijo

Minggu lalu My little Friends menjadi tuan rumah acara workshop
Komuter Ijo ( Komunitas Crafter Sidoarjo) wuuuhh acaranya seru...
seneng banget bisa bertemu dengan teman-tema yang hebat dan
saling berbagi ilmu......sukses buat Komuter Ijo

ini nih beberapa update acaranya....sampai-sampai rumah ku mau runtuh....
hahahaha pada heboh dan semua....tetapi kita kompak....cheersssss.....

ini nih para peserta workshop dan hasil karyanya.....bravooo!!!!!

ada yang narsis loo....hihihi foto di workshopnya My Little Friends ....
Thank you  girls love u all